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- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT _____________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- have constituted, ordained, and made, and in my stead and place
- put, and by these presents do constitute, ordain, and make, and
- in my stead and place put _______________________________________
- to be my true, sufficient, and lawful Attorney for me and in my
- name and stead, and to ___________ use, to ask, demand, levy,
- require, recover and receive of and from all and every person or
- persons whomsoever the same shall or may concern, all and
- singular sum or sums of money, debts, goods, wares, merchandise,
- effects and things whatsoever and wheresoever they shall and may
- be found due, owing, payable, belonging and coming unto me the
- constituent by any means whatsoever and to sign and endorse
- checks, drafts, bills and notes in my name and in my stead and to
- be a lawful signatory on any account in my name in any bank or
- trust company.
- IN WITNESS WHEREOF __________ have hereunto set _______
- hand and seal this __________day of _________ in the year of our
- Lord one thousand nine hundred and _______.
- Signed and sealed in presence of ________________________
- _________________________________ ________________________
- Form 132